Expert (熟練者, Jukurensha) is the third episode of the No Game No Life (Series) anime series. It first aired in Japan on April 23, 2014 on AT-X, and later on April 25, 2014 on other networks.
After Sora and Shiro confronted her about cheating and working together with the Elves in order to secure her position on the throne, Chlammy accepts their challenge. At first, she attempts to dissuade them to give up, stating her reasons for siding with the Elves, but they refuse to yield. The game Chlammy chose to play is, an unusual game of chess, where Sora turns out to have a bigger role than Shiro.
The following characters are listed by the order which they appear in.
- 有台词
For games, the challenger is listed before the challenged party.
- Coronation of Chlammy Zell (interrupted by the siblings)
- Chlammy tries to convince the Sora and Shiro to work with her
- Match of 'chess' between the siblings and Chlammy Zell, where the chess pieces are animated to have wills of their own
- Sora takes over after Shiro in the match and boosts morale of troops
- Chlammy uses magic to brainwash enemy pieces
- Sora convinces the opposing queen to stop
- 14:00-15:00 placeholder
- 15:01-16:00 placeholder
- When Sora shouts "objection" during the coronation scene, his speech and the music he plays on his smart phone references Phoenix Wright.
- The Elderly official officiating the coronation bears resemblance to the judge from Ace Attorney series.
- The coronation took place at King City, which is located in the first district of the Elchea's central region.[1]
- While traveling on the coach to the chess arena, Sora and Shiro (while talking with Dola Stephanie and Zell Kurami) paraphrases the most famous line from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 character Kishibe Rohan: "But I refuse... The favorite thing Kishibe Rohan likes to do is to say 「NO」 to arrogant people.", while both are drawn in Hirohiko Araki's Part 4 Style with the characteristic SFX in the background.
- Sora imitates the defense attorneys (and most prosecutors) in the Ace Attorney series. Especially in voicing his "OBJECTION!" (異議アリ!, Igi ari!) complete with the white bubble and red text. Lampshaded by him holding out his cellphone that's playing a remixed "Cornered" theme of the same series. The herald(?) looks similar to the Ace Attorney judge.
- Screenplay: Hanada Jukki (花田十輝)
- Storyboard: Hosokawa Hideki (細川ヒデキ)
- Director: Hosokawa Hideki (細川ヒデキ)
- Animation director: Hinata Masaki (日向正樹)
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